
10th SKIF World Championships Greece 2009


Official AnnouncementThis is an announcement from Kancho Kanazawa who is in Athens, Greece now together with Murakami Sensei about the time of our next big event.

The 10th SKIF World Championship in Athens, Greece

Host SKIF Greece
Place Athens
July 21st, 2009(T) Yudansha-kai Seminar
July 22nd, 2009(W) Yudansha-kai Seminar
July 23rd, 2009(T) World Championship
July 24th, 2009(F) World Championship
July 25th, 2009(S) World Championship
July 26th, 2009(S) World Championship
Venue Peace & Friendship Stadium, N. Faliro Piraeus

Due to the desire of the host country and the availability of the venue, the above dates are finally fixed and decided Therefore Kancho is strongly desiring your utmost efforts to comply with this schedule and to keep and reserve those dates by all means for the participation to our event. All other details will be announced and public noticed in due time by the host country, SKIF Greece. Kindly note that all queries are to be made directly to the following persons of host country after their announcement.
Mr. Keyvan Chazi

Mr. Nikitas Zarouchliotis
Oss,April 15th, 2008Shotokan Karatedo International Federation


SKIF holding World Championship once each three years.
1. August 1983 First in Tokyo Japan ( 16 countries)
2. November 1985 Second in Düsseldorf, W. Germany ( 24 countries)
3. November 1988 Third in Utsunomiya, Japan ( 31 countries)
4. September 1991 Fourth in Mexico-city, Mexico ( 41 countries)
5. November 1994 Fifth in Yokohama, Japan ( 55 countries)
6. June 1997 Sixth in Milan, Italy ( 66 countries )
7. April 2000 Seventh in Bali, Indonesia ( 56 countries )
8. September 2003 Eight in Durban, South Africa (51 countries.)
9. November 2006 Ninth in Tokyo, Japan (72 countries )
10. July 2009 Tenth in Athens, Greece (See Below)

Por Abel

Representante de la Kodokai de Venezuela en el Estado Portugesa

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